Category Archives: Tips/Tricks

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Know the Funeral Procession Rules

What Are the Funeral Procession Rules You Should Abide by?

When it comes to funeral etiquette, most people know that pulling over to allow the procession of cars to pass is proper. But you might not realize that failing to do so is not just impolite; it is also risky and could land you in legal trouble. Keep reading the blog post by Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead in Peoria, AZ, to learn more about the Funeral Procession Etiquette.

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Hands of a mechanic working on a car

What does the Mercedes-Benz Service B Package include?

So, you know that every so often your vehicle needs an oil change and tire rotation. But, did you also know that you needed to frequently check the fluid levels, the brakes, and the cabin air filters? Well, that is what the Mercedes-Benz Service B package includes. So, let’s take a look at the full list of what you can get when you choose the Mercedes-Benz Service B package here at your friendly Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead. Let’s take a look!

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