2019 Mercedes-Benz GLA-250 side view

Find low-mileage Certified Pre-Owned cars and used cars in Peoria, AZ!

Did you know you can find crazy low-mileage Certified Pre-Owned models and used cars in Peoria, AZ? And when we say crazy low, we mean crazy low! Let’s check out a few that are currently available.

Low-mileage used cars for sale near Phoenix, AZ

2019 Mercedes-Benz GLA-250 steering wheel and dashboard

When we say low-mileage, you may think we’re talking about models with 50,000 or less. However, we are here to tell you that we actually mean 10,000 miles or less. In fact, you can find used models that have even less than 5,000 miles on them! Crazy, right?

Don’t believe us? You can check out our inventory, all of which is listed on our website, and use the mileage filter on the left side of your screen to filter out any cars that have more than your chosen amount of miles, whether that is 10,000, 5,000, or even 3,000. That’s right, We have a variety of models that have barely been driven by their previous owners. However, since they are used models, you won’t find yourself paying that new car price. So, we encourage you to check out the various options you have available at our dealership. We would be more than happy to help you determine with model best suits your needs.

Some of our low-mileage models include the Mercedes-Benz GLA, A-Class, GLB, GLC, and non-Mercedes-Benz models like the Jeep Wrangler Rubicon, Toyota RAV4, Porsche Taycan, and Tesla Model X! Of course, used cars are flying off the lot right now, so if you are interested in any of these models we encourage you to act quickly!

Read more: How much horsepower does the 2021 Mercedes-Benz GT Roadster have?

Vehicle financing in Peoria, AZ

Now that you know a bit more on how you can filter your used car search, we encourage you to contact our vehicle financing department here at Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead. Our team would be more than happy to help you find the right finance package for you!

Disclaimer: Images used are of the 2019 model