Category Archives: Tips/Tricks

How Often To Wash Mercedes-Benz in Arizona

Mercedes-Benz Car Washing Tips for Arizona Residents

How Often To Wash Mercedes-Benz in Arizona

When was the last time you washed your car? Many people would agree that the easiest thing to neglect on your car is the paint. Maybe you use your 2016 GLE to get back and forth from work, or maybe you have a GT S that you use sparingly. In both scenarios, the car wash gets postponed over and over again. This could be because paint doesn’t affect the way the car drives, or it could be an increasing price at automated car washes. Whatever the reason may be, car washes always get postponed. How often should you wash your Mercedes-Benz in Arizona? As it turns out, where you live actually has more of an influence on this than how often you drive your car. Read the rest of this entry >>

Reasons to Buy a hybrid in Phoenix AZ

Why You Should Go Green With Your Next Vehicle In Phoenix AZ

Reasons to Buy a Hybrid in Phoenix AZ

Traditionally, the reason to buy an alternative-fuel vehicle is to save money on gas. With recent drops in gas prices, hybrid cars have been put on the back-burner because the benefits don’t outweigh the costs and handicaps that come with owning a hybrid or electric car. As it turns out, there are many reasons to buy a hybrid in Phoenix AZ that minimize these costs. The best part is they have nothing to do with efficiency! Read the rest of this entry >>