American flag

What are some ways to celebrate 4th of July in Peoria, AZ?

4th of July is right around the corner, and with it comes the need to gather the family and celebrate our freedom. So, here are some ways that you can celebrate 4th of July right here in Peoria, Arizona. Check it out!

4th of July events and activities for your family

Here are some family friendly activities and events that you can used to celebrate the 4th of July right here in 2021. Take a look below to see a list of ideas that we have compiled here at Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead. Of course, you don’t have to adhere to this list and if you would like to share your ideas feel free to give us a call! Check out the list below:

Children celebrating 4th of July
  • Set up your own fireworks
  • Check out the Peoria fireworks
  • Backyard BBQ or Cookout
  • Family gathering
  • Yard games
  • Board games

Read more: What type of fireworks are legal in 2021 in Arizona

Vehicle service and maintenance near phoenix, Arizona

Just because you are ready in rearing to go to all of your 4th of July events, it’s important to take step back and plan first. After all, it wouldn’t do to be stranded during a holiday weekend. So, we encourage you to contact your friendly Mercedes-Benz of Arrowhead today in order to schedule a service appointment for your vehicle. Our team can make sure your car is ready for any long trips or vacations you may have in store. Or, if you are searching for a new vehicle altogether, we can help with that as well! We have 3 levels of showrooms that are entirely indoors and will protect you from the Arizona summer heat. So, get in touch with our team today! We look forward to hearing from you and hope you have a great holiday weekend!