Playing Golf

Introducing the 2017 Mercedes-Benz… Golf Cart?

Mercedes-Benz Style Edition Garia Golf Car

What do you do after you have already perfected luxury on the road, in the water, and up in the air? You go golfing! Of course you go golfing. thought the hover cart was the future of golf, but after taking a gander at the Mercedes-Benz Style Edition Garia Golf Car, we changed our minds to this.

Style Edition Luxury

Mercedes-Benz is known mainly for its high-end luxury, which is exactly what is exciting about this S-Class golf cart. Actually, we didn’t realize it until Mercedes-Benz pointed it out, but the golf cart has remained unchanged for some 50 years! A box with four wheels does in fact do the job, but we didn’t realize what we were missing. This golf cart features awesome things that you might find in a GLS, like a refrigerator under the seat, a special compartment for balls under the dashboard, and a touch-screen infotainment system connected to speakers in the roof!
A man playing golf


Obviously golf cart performance isn’t a concern on the golf course because the only thing it needs to do is get you to your ball. Still, Mercedes-Benz had to include “Sport” and “Eco” driving modes, a function that will come in handy when you are stuck behind a really slow 4-some and your cart is low on battery. This gives the electric cart a range of up to 50 miles. Since the average golf course is about 4 miles long, we think Mercedes-Benz went above and beyond, allowing the carts to run all day without needing a charge.
Mercedes-Benz Style Edition Garia Dashboard

The Mercedes-Benz Style Edition Garia Golf Car is not something that we will see for a few years on our local golf course. The reason is that this kind of luxury cart is still very expensive and for many, the golf aspect is more important than the comfort of the cart. Would you pay extra to use a luxury cart that looks like a sports car and tilts your bags back to you so you can get your clubs in and out easier?